Letters to the Editor
441 results total, viewing 261 - 280
  I have many interests, but I’m going to share one with you today. which is the Jefferson County Trash Task Force established in 2016. We have picked up 11,179 pounds of trash in six … more
  Are there too many deer in Port Townsend? What do you think? They walk in herds of sometimes up to seven   Is it a problem when traffic comes to a standstill? Are they annoying when … more
  As I’ve gotten active fighting for kids’ right to be kids, I’ve seen first hand how broken our town and our country really are. I’m an “old school” … more
  The sun casts down its final ray, and so begone the light of day.   Out come the bats and owls of night, to start again their reign of fright.   … more
  So is what happens  to Artists and Writers Dreamers and Romantics   To find themselves among the sensitive  and gentle creatures … more
  As reported by the Port Townsend Leader, former Mayor Brent Shirley has filed a complaint against our current City Manager. It is based solely on private conversations with anonymous … more
  The comment from our mayor, David Faber, at the end of the article “Fort Worden Strategic Plan Proposes Sweeping Changes” demonstrates a common misconception about the Port … more
  I am saddened and disgusted by the way so many empty lots loose all their trees to development. Development is inevitable, but we have a choice as to how to maintain the natural … more
  The Port Townsend City Manager and Mayor with the support of several Council members are considering changing the zoning of the portion of the golf course adjacent to Blain street so that … more
      Almost everyone I talk to complains about the mini circles on Washington Street. I question whether they are safer than no obstacles at all? We scratch our heads … more
Why does chief want to go? Regarding Port Townsend Police Chief Thomas Olson applying for a similar role in Prineville, Oregon after only two and a half years as chief here in PT: There’s … more
Roundabout etiquette, please Let’s talk about the magical world of roundabouts, where the rules of the road seem to disappear faster than a magician’s rabbit. As someone who’s … more
Be Part of the Solution So sad to see community contention deepening regarding a recent event at our local pool. This is a time when, more than ever, we need to pull together, try to understand … more
Sewer project is noisy I just wanted to congratulate Samantha Harper and all the others involved with the sewer project in Port Hadlock/Chimacum for their well thought out schedule of laying … more
Column advanced deer conversation I want to express my appreciation for the piece that Scott Doggett penned on May 1 about deer.  While the City has been wanting to initiate a … more
Solid citizens pay taxes Your article about property tax due dates should have included a reminder that property taxes are not just a chore that needs to get done on time, but part of our … more
The water’s fine   Wars start by misunderstandings, by distortions of fact - or by seeing things through different lenses. I find myself thinking that the Julie Jaman … more
Don't cave to Jaman   In response to Julie Jaman's demand for compensation from the city as a result of her actions at the YMCA pool: Ms. Jaman is NOT the victim here. If … more
My husband and I moved here in 2001. Our son and family had found this lovely town. We came to be near them.   Born on an Iowa farm, went to one-room country school. High School … more
By Judy Alexander    Perhaps newcomers and even some who have been here longer are unaware of the campaign that established our public power utility, or some of the other … more
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