Warren will change Washington


It’s easy to despair with the ongoing lies and evasions of the president and his lawyers during this impeachment process.

The Republicans are unable to admit Trump committed a crime and needs to be removed, in spite of damning evidence.

They can’t admit it because they will lose their funding to stay in office, and their plummy lobbying jobs once they retire or are booted out of office if they tell the truth. The Republicans are ready to trash our constitution and our rule of law out of greed and short-term gain. We need a change in Washington more than ever. That is why I am supporting Elizabeth Warren for President of the United States. She has a plan to end the corruption in Washington. She proposes the most ambitious set of anti-corruption reforms since Watergate. It will fundamentally change the way Washington does business.

Her plan will end the dark money stream that despoils our environment, squeezes more money out of working people and sets up sweetheart deals for corporate backers. It renews my hope for the survival of our government and our country.

Susan Uballe
Port Townsend