
Posted 10/25/23

Where is the Calendar!?


The Peach covers big, well-known events, but our community offers so much more! Please re-instate the paper form of the Calendar; the online site isn't so …

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Where is the Calendar!?


The Peach covers big, well-known events, but our community offers so much more! Please re-instate the paper form of the Calendar; the online site isn't so accessible. It is one of the main reasons I read the paper, and offers a strong public service. As a community paper, it is inspiring and instructional to see all the possibilities and creativity offered in Jefferson County...please! don't let it go.

Elisabeth Rotchford Haight

Opposed to Misinformation


In regards to what Gary Price wrote in the Oct. 11 edition of the Leader, it’s more delusional nonsense from a person lacking in critical thinking skills. Regurgitating right wing propaganda from Fox News and a multitude of right wing misinformation sites does not constitute a point of view. Very sad that so many have swallowed the sludge emanating from the Republican Party.

I do not support Joe Biden for president in 2024 primarily because of age. However he does have a fair amount of moral integrity.Something the sociopathic fascist criminal named Donald Trump never has exhibited.

Luke Poeschl

Port Townsend

Note: Calling people names, dismissing opposing opinions as “delusional,” describing someone as “sociopathic,” do not add to discussion in our community. It increases anger and causes harm.

I don’t want The Leader to be a vehicle for this type of harm. While I sit in this chair, we won’t print these letters going forward. The decision does not hinge on what we believe to be “truth,” and applies to both sides of our cultural divide.

I view it as caring for a fragile environment. We can disagree in good faith without spewing vitriol.  ~ ED


Baha’i offer a model for good governance


On Sept. 30, 70 Baha'i's from the Olympic Peninsula gathered in Port Ludlow under colorful banners, international flags, with jazz musicians and African group songs, to elect a delegate to the Baha'i United States National Spiritual Assembly (NSA). Baha’i's come from virtually every ethnic, racial, and tribal background, and the delegates elected to the USA NSA reflect the diversity seen in 176 NSAs worldwide.

Each year, the Baha’i community elects a representative who possesses the necessary qualities of selfless devotion, a well-trained mind, recognized ability and mature experience. These voluntary elections are held without any campaigning. At a time when trust in government is eroding worldwide, and when the electoral process in many nations has become discredited due to corruption, this new model of governance can serve as an antidote to apathy, alienation, and despair.

In addition to the sacred task of casting ballots, the Convention was held as a “Festival of Music, Art, and Love,” a spiritual conference with consultation, music, and art. A collaborative art project titled “#Our Story is One,” commemorating the 40-year anniversary of 10 Iranian Baha’i women martyred for refusing to renounce their faith, also honors the memory of Mahsa Amini, who was killed in Iran on Sept. 16, 2022, for wearing her headscarf incorrectly. Despite protests, and the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to an imprisoned Iranian woman, Iran has increased penalties for incorrect attire.

This art project featured a sculpture representing the flowering of hope, rising above imprisonment and death, embodying all women unified in suffering and resilience. The group activity of signing handprints in red on a gold silk sari signified commitment and dedication to women's equality and freedom all around the world. Such a diverse and welcoming election gathering serves as an example of how we can work together towards unity, with love.


Teren MacLeod

Port Townsend


Prioritize the Classifieds


Dear Leader:


Your website classifieds have been inaccurate and not correctly updated over the past month and it was disappointing to buy a paper and see how many things I missed from depending on the website to provide the classifieds to me.

I understand that the office is likely struggling as it has in the past, but the classifieds are one of The Leader's greatest sections, in my opinion, and you should make it a priority. The ability to find out about jobs, rentals, and sales through The Leader has been an indispensable help to me throughout the years. It keeps me educated on both the housing and job markets.

I am not a subscriber but do indulge in a paper every couple weeks and want to remain a support to The Leader. I have unfortunate and reliable intel about the working conditions, pay, and inability to keep employees at The Leader. This is a call for The Leader to do better. Treat your people better. Ask what they need and then listen.

The Leader is such an import facet in the Port Townsend community and it's reliability and accuracy depends you and your employees.

Shannon Black


Thank you, I think. We’re working on it. ~ ED

Let’s Fact Check


Fact-Check Claims


Although the general election is still over a year away, it is certainly not too early to start fact checking candidates and their supporters.

Gary Price (10/11/23 Leader Letters) states as fact that Obama, Holder and Biden ran guns to terrorist drug cartels. That is not factual. Nor is his statement that they armed The Taliban with military style weapons. Next he implies that the very real pandemic was somehow orchestrated by Dr. Fauci. Also not correct. Health professionals are able to predict health threats as diseases manifest in certain ways. It’s been happening for decades and those predictions have saved thousands of lives.

Next he seems to absolve Trump of responsibility for the 1/6 insurrection. While that case currently resides in a court of law, the facts point to Trump as the inciter of violence on that day. But let’s wait to see what the rule of law says on that one. As for Hunter Biden, the jury is still out. Jim Jordan is certainly investigating all things Hunter Biden but as yet has found no damning evidence so, again, let’s wait for the evidence before assigning guilt.Civil discourse in a democratic society is the only answer. Accepting conspiracy theories as fact only serves to diminish long held American values and discourse.

Let’s reject them.


Betsy Coddington

Port Townsend

I wish we had some Port Townsend problems to discuss. ~ ED


Need More Info from Candidates


Dear Editor: 


I just received my Voter's Pamphlet in the mail today and I was looking through it. I don't recall ever seeing so many positions going unopposed. Also, I've never seen so many candidates fail to submit any information about their candidacy; no photos, no bio, no prior or relevant experience.......nothing. Some direct you to a website to find out more, but honestly, if you're a serious candidate, one would think submitting information about yourself, party affiliation and prior experience to a widely read Voter's Guide would be a no-brainer. I don't know about any of you, but I give that pamphlet a serious read before I cast my vote. 

In particular, for the position of Director District 2 for Port Townsend School District, there are 2 candidates; Simon Little, and Annie Bartos. Annie submitted NOTHING. No email, no phone number, no photo.......why should I vote for you, Annie, if you can't be bothered to tell me why you're running? Guess I'll be voting for Simon because his bio at least tells me he cares about the community and wants to be part of making it better. For Position 5, we have Nathanael O'Hara and Timothy Hawley. Nathanael at least provided an email address. What am I supposed to do, email you and ask you why you're running and what your experience is? Even though you've been on the board for years, do you just take your Position for granted and people should already know about you, because I sure don't. Guess I'll be voting for Mr. Hawley. 

Seriously, candidates, if you can't be bothered to campaign even a little and give me a reason to vote for you, then I won’t.



Val Anne (Annie) Welch

Port Townsend


A Vote for O’Hara


Dear Editor:


As this election approaches, there are some critical choices to make. The leadership of our school board and the future of our high standards Port Townsend School District is at stake.

I am offering my highest endorsement of Nathanael O’Hara to continue in his exceptional leadership on our school board. I was honored to serve on the school board with Nathanael for 4 years. He serves for all the right reasons - dedication to quality education, strong leadership, understands our local issues and needs, and listens thoughtfully to all before making a decision. I looked to Nathanael for his wisdom often, particularly in the areas of school finance with his background as a CPA. He has three children in our school system and has an excellent view of what our district provides to our students.

I highly recommend that you listen to KPTZ’s October 2nd recording of the school board candidate forum moderated by the LWV. As a lifelong educator and one who has worked with the Port Townsend schools for almost 30 years, I know this election is critical to our schools’ future.

Two candidates that are running have strong anti-education and anti-science agendas, Tim Hawley and Nancy Papasodora. As we have learned so painfully, the far right has made big gains around the country by electing school board members who push book banning, inappropriate limits on what can be taught, discrimination against students, and more. We often don't know enough about local candidates to spot this threat and prevent it from happening. If you search either of their Facebook pages, you will see their true colors with citations from far right web pages that spew lies and hate.

There are 5 members on the school board. Three anti-education, anti-science, extreme right candidates could change the curriculum, what is allowed to be shared at board meetings, fire the Superintendent, eliminate policies that protect all students, and so much more. Your vote counts! Especially this time.



Laura Tucker


Retail sales tax hits us all


It may make sense for Port Townsend voters to approve a retail sales tax for a Transportation Benefit District to improve our streets. Please consider who pays the cents.

 The Washington State retail tax rate is 6.5%. Individual cities/counties can add more. Retail sales tax rates list Kitsap County (including Silverdale and Bremerton) at 9.2%, Port Townsend and rural Jefferson County 9.1%, Sequim 8.9%, Port Angeles 8.8% and Shelton 8.8%.

 The proposed retail tax hike of .3% (meaning 3 cents more per dollar of retail purchase) would hike PT’s rate to 9.4 %. (Jefferson County remains 9.1%).

 Let’s just be honest about who pays the majority of sales tax on goods and services: it’s residents, not tourists.

 According to consultants promoting the “Healthier Together” aquatic center plan – which also aims for a sales tax hike – about 80% of retail sales tax revenue tied to that facility is from residents. The aquatic center is proposed, although not yet certain, for a countywide vote in April of 2024.

 Transportation Benefit Districts generate revenue without raising property taxes. Unlike property tax, retail sales tax hits people of all income brackets. It’s far more than tourists shopping in a clothing store, art gallery or eating at a restaurant.

 Retail sales tax also applies to hardware and marine supply stores, garden centers and thrift shops. It applies to lawn maintenance, cleaning, painting, furnace and septic services, land clearing, construction and remodeling, escrow services and title insurance. Service examples include fitness/athletic center personal training, tattoo parlors, at the car wash and for vehicle towing. 

Terrible street conditions are a top complaint and city voters may approve the sales tax hike just to get something, anything, accomplished. It costs $1 million to redo one mile of street, which won’t be decreasing.

 It’s only cents, but voters still need to be aware of who pays. And one more thing: if you don’t vote, don’t bitch.

Patrick J. Sullivan

Port Townsend



Dear Editor,


I’m writing in response to Lloyd Mullen’s incoherent editorial “Another Council Unopposed,” in the October 18th issue. Although he never names the targets of his verbal froth, I’m one of the city council members unopposed for re-election next month, so I’m pretty sure he’s talking about me.

Lloyd, you observe that the council has to clean up the consequences of rash decisions by past councils and city staff—and then you complain that we are taking too long to make decisions with far-reaching consequences for our community. You describe two of those age-old messes in detail, but neglect to mention the decisive work the current council and staff has done to resolve them.

You say someone would have to be a masochist or a narcissist to consider this job. Here are some other “-ist” words you might have chosen. I think we are realists, because we make difficult decisions, affecting the future for thousands of people, with limited resources to draw on. And I think we are altruists, because we do this job for a monthly stipend far below the minimum wage, out of love and hope for our community.

You suggest that city council is a thankless job and, true to your word, you do not thank us.

So, Lloyd: You’re welcome.

Owen Rowe

City Council Candidate, Port Townsend




This Letter is in response to the article in The Leader on Oct. 18, 'Councilors unopposed'

  First of all, the quotes by the Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro, "One interpretation is that people are satisfied with the city's political direction.” And, "The optimistic view is that we are doing an acceptable job."

  Are you kidding me? What a joke. Yes John Mauro, the reason the vast majority are not satisfied with the city council and yourself, is because you're doing an acceptable job. Clearly, John Mauro is both self-righteous and arrogant, give me a break!

  And as far as prior city council member Michelle Sandoval, yes, she is a "predatory capitalist.” She has always been on the city council to enhance her own real estate interests, rather than what is needed for this city. How many times was she mayor of Port Townsend? Again, give me a break! 

  And as far as our current mayor, David Faber, also a self-righteous and arrogant council member. His quotes in The Leader are always demonstrating this fact. David Faber is spoiled and smug. And yet again, give me a break!

  So what we citizens must do in this otherwise awesome city of Port Townsend, is REALLY BE AWARE of who we vote in to the city council. And stop voting in people who fit into the right 'click' (stet) or whatever superficial group they adhere to. This city has a real problem with the 'cliques' factor! People were telling me that before I moved here over 22 years ago. And it's true, unfortunately. 

  We need to get all more involved, in a REAL WAY. The city council majority being unopposed this year is pathetic, to say the least. Let's all fix this, so there is no more complaining while complicit.

Dwayne Nicol 

Port Townsend

Where is the Calendar!?


The Peach covers big, well-known events, but our community offers so much more! Please re-instate the paper form of the Calendar; the online site isn't so accessible. It is one of the main reasons I read the paper, and offers a strong public service. As a community paper, it is inspiring and instructional to see all the possibilities and creativity offered in Jefferson County...please! don't let it go.

Elisabeth Rotchford Haight

Opposed to Misinformation


In regards to what Gary Price wrote in the Oct. 11 edition of the Leader, it’s more delusional nonsense from a person lacking in critical thinking skills. Regurgitating right wing propaganda from Fox News and a multitude of right wing misinformation sites does not constitute a point of view. Very sad that so many have swallowed the sludge emanating from the Republican Party.

I do not support Joe Biden for president in 2024 primarily because of age. However he does have a fair amount of moral integrity.Something the sociopathic fascist criminal named Donald Trump never has exhibited.

Luke Poeschl

Port Townsend

Note: Calling people names, dismissing opposing opinions as “delusional,” describing someone as “sociopathic,” do not add to discussion in our community. It increases anger and causes harm.

I don’t want The Leader to be a vehicle for this type of harm. While I sit in this chair, we won’t print these letters going forward. The decision does not hinge on what we believe to be “truth,” and applies to both sides of our cultural divide.

I view it as caring for a fragile environment. We can disagree in good faith without spewing vitriol.  ~ ED


Baha’i offer a model for good governance


On Sept. 30, 70 Baha'i's from the Olympic Peninsula gathered in Port Ludlow under colorful banners, international flags, with jazz musicians and African group songs, to elect a delegate to the Baha'i United States National Spiritual Assembly (NSA). Baha’i's come from virtually every ethnic, racial, and tribal background, and the delegates elected to the USA NSA reflect the diversity seen in 176 NSAs worldwide.

Each year, the Baha’i community elects a representative who possesses the necessary qualities of selfless devotion, a well-trained mind, recognized ability and mature experience. These voluntary elections are held without any campaigning. At a time when trust in government is eroding worldwide, and when the electoral process in many nations has become discredited due to corruption, this new model of governance can serve as an antidote to apathy, alienation, and despair.

In addition to the sacred task of casting ballots, the Convention was held as a “Festival of Music, Art, and Love,” a spiritual conference with consultation, music, and art. A collaborative art project titled “#Our Story is One,” commemorating the 40-year anniversary of 10 Iranian Baha’i women martyred for refusing to renounce their faith, also honors the memory of Mahsa Amini, who was killed in Iran on Sept. 16, 2022, for wearing her headscarf incorrectly. Despite protests, and the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to an imprisoned Iranian woman, Iran has increased penalties for incorrect attire.

This art project featured a sculpture representing the flowering of hope, rising above imprisonment and death, embodying all women unified in suffering and resilience. The group activity of signing handprints in red on a gold silk sari signified commitment and dedication to women's equality and freedom all around the world. Such a diverse and welcoming election gathering serves as an example of how we can work together towards unity, with love.


Teren MacLeod

Port Townsend


Prioritize the Classifieds


Dear Leader:


Your website classifieds have been inaccurate and not correctly updated over the past month and it was disappointing to buy a paper and see how many things I missed from depending on the website to provide the classifieds to me.

I understand that the office is likely struggling as it has in the past, but the classifieds are one of The Leader's greatest sections, in my opinion, and you should make it a priority. The ability to find out about jobs, rentals, and sales through The Leader has been an indispensable help to me throughout the years. It keeps me educated on both the housing and job markets.

I am not a subscriber but do indulge in a paper every couple weeks and want to remain a support to The Leader. I have unfortunate and reliable intel about the working conditions, pay, and inability to keep employees at The Leader. This is a call for The Leader to do better. Treat your people better. Ask what they need and then listen.

The Leader is such an import facet in the Port Townsend community and it's reliability and accuracy depends you and your employees.

Shannon Black


Thank you, I think. We’re working on it. ~ ED

Let’s Fact Check


Fact-Check Claims


Although the general election is still over a year away, it is certainly not too early to start fact checking candidates and their supporters.

Gary Price (10/11/23 Leader Letters) states as fact that Obama, Holder and Biden ran guns to terrorist drug cartels. That is not factual. Nor is his statement that they armed The Taliban with military style weapons. Next he implies that the very real pandemic was somehow orchestrated by Dr. Fauci. Also not correct. Health professionals are able to predict health threats as diseases manifest in certain ways. It’s been happening for decades and those predictions have saved thousands of lives.

Next he seems to absolve Trump of responsibility for the 1/6 insurrection. While that case currently resides in a court of law, the facts point to Trump as the inciter of violence on that day. But let’s wait to see what the rule of law says on that one. As for Hunter Biden, the jury is still out. Jim Jordan is certainly investigating all things Hunter Biden but as yet has found no damning evidence so, again, let’s wait for the evidence before assigning guilt.Civil discourse in a democratic society is the only answer. Accepting conspiracy theories as fact only serves to diminish long held American values and discourse.

Let’s reject them.


Betsy Coddington

Port Townsend

I wish we had some Port Townsend problems to discuss. ~ ED


Need More Info from Candidates


Dear Editor: 


I just received my Voter's Pamphlet in the mail today and I was looking through it. I don't recall ever seeing so many positions going unopposed. Also, I've never seen so many candidates fail to submit any information about their candidacy; no photos, no bio, no prior or relevant experience.......nothing. Some direct you to a website to find out more, but honestly, if you're a serious candidate, one would think submitting information about yourself, party affiliation and prior experience to a widely read Voter's Guide would be a no-brainer. I don't know about any of you, but I give that pamphlet a serious read before I cast my vote. 

In particular, for the position of Director District 2 for Port Townsend School District, there are 2 candidates; Simon Little, and Annie Bartos. Annie submitted NOTHING. No email, no phone number, no photo.......why should I vote for you, Annie, if you can't be bothered to tell me why you're running? Guess I'll be voting for Simon because his bio at least tells me he cares about the community and wants to be part of making it better. For Position 5, we have Nathanael O'Hara and Timothy Hawley. Nathanael at least provided an email address. What am I supposed to do, email you and ask you why you're running and what your experience is? Even though you've been on the board for years, do you just take your Position for granted and people should already know about you, because I sure don't. Guess I'll be voting for Mr. Hawley. 

Seriously, candidates, if you can't be bothered to campaign even a little and give me a reason to vote for you, then I won’t.



Val Anne (Annie) Welch

Port Townsend


A Vote for O’Hara


Dear Editor:


As this election approaches, there are some critical choices to make. The leadership of our school board and the future of our high standards Port Townsend School District is at stake.

I am offering my highest endorsement of Nathanael O’Hara to continue in his exceptional leadership on our school board. I was honored to serve on the school board with Nathanael for 4 years. He serves for all the right reasons - dedication to quality education, strong leadership, understands our local issues and needs, and listens thoughtfully to all before making a decision. I looked to Nathanael for his wisdom often, particularly in the areas of school finance with his background as a CPA. He has three children in our school system and has an excellent view of what our district provides to our students.

I highly recommend that you listen to KPTZ’s October 2nd recording of the school board candidate forum moderated by the LWV. As a lifelong educator and one who has worked with the Port Townsend schools for almost 30 years, I know this election is critical to our schools’ future.

Two candidates that are running have strong anti-education and anti-science agendas, Tim Hawley and Nancy Papasodora. As we have learned so painfully, the far right has made big gains around the country by electing school board members who push book banning, inappropriate limits on what can be taught, discrimination against students, and more. We often don't know enough about local candidates to spot this threat and prevent it from happening. If you search either of their Facebook pages, you will see their true colors with citations from far right web pages that spew lies and hate.

There are 5 members on the school board. Three anti-education, anti-science, extreme right candidates could change the curriculum, what is allowed to be shared at board meetings, fire the Superintendent, eliminate policies that protect all students, and so much more. Your vote counts! Especially this time.



Laura Tucker


Retail sales tax hits us all


It may make sense for Port Townsend voters to approve a retail sales tax for a Transportation Benefit District to improve our streets. Please consider who pays the cents.

 The Washington State retail tax rate is 6.5%. Individual cities/counties can add more. Retail sales tax rates list Kitsap County (including Silverdale and Bremerton) at 9.2%, Port Townsend and rural Jefferson County 9.1%, Sequim 8.9%, Port Angeles 8.8% and Shelton 8.8%.

 The proposed retail tax hike of .3% (meaning 3 cents more per dollar of retail purchase) would hike PT’s rate to 9.4 %. (Jefferson County remains 9.1%).

 Let’s just be honest about who pays the majority of sales tax on goods and services: it’s residents, not tourists.

 According to consultants promoting the “Healthier Together” aquatic center plan – which also aims for a sales tax hike – about 80% of retail sales tax revenue tied to that facility is from residents. The aquatic center is proposed, although not yet certain, for a countywide vote in April of 2024.

 Transportation Benefit Districts generate revenue without raising property taxes. Unlike property tax, retail sales tax hits people of all income brackets. It’s far more than tourists shopping in a clothing store, art gallery or eating at a restaurant.

 Retail sales tax also applies to hardware and marine supply stores, garden centers and thrift shops. It applies to lawn maintenance, cleaning, painting, furnace and septic services, land clearing, construction and remodeling, escrow services and title insurance. Service examples include fitness/athletic center personal training, tattoo parlors, at the car wash and for vehicle towing. 

Terrible street conditions are a top complaint and city voters may approve the sales tax hike just to get something, anything, accomplished. It costs $1 million to redo one mile of street, which won’t be decreasing.

 It’s only cents, but voters still need to be aware of who pays. And one more thing: if you don’t vote, don’t bitch.

Patrick J. Sullivan

Port Townsend


Headline Here


Dear Editor,


I’m writing in response to Lloyd Mullen’s incoherent editorial “Another Council Unopposed,” in the October 18th issue. Although he never names the targets of his verbal froth, I’m one of the city council members unopposed for re-election next month, so I’m pretty sure he’s talking about me.

Lloyd, you observe that the council has to clean up the consequences of rash decisions by past councils and city staff—and then you complain that we are taking too long to make decisions with far-reaching consequences for our community. You describe two of those age-old messes in detail, but neglect to mention the decisive work the current council and staff has done to resolve them.

You say someone would have to be a masochist or a narcissist to consider this job. Here are some other “-ist” words you might have chosen. I think we are realists, because we make difficult decisions, affecting the future for thousands of people, with limited resources to draw on. And I think we are altruists, because we do this job for a monthly stipend far below the minimum wage, out of love and hope for our community.

You suggest that city council is a thankless job and, true to your word, you do not thank us.

So, Lloyd: You’re welcome.

Owen Rowe

City Council Candidate, Port Townsend


Headline Here


This Letter is in response to the article in The Leader on Oct. 18, 'Councilors unopposed'

  First of all, the quotes by the Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro, "One interpretation is that people are satisfied with the city's political direction.” And, "The optimistic view is that we are doing an acceptable job."

  Are you kidding me? What a joke. Yes John Mauro, the reason the vast majority are not satisfied with the city council and yourself, is because you're doing an acceptable job. Clearly, John Mauro is both self-righteous and arrogant, give me a break!

  And as far as prior city council member Michelle Sandoval, yes, she is a "predatory capitalist.” She has always been on the city council to enhance her own real estate interests, rather than what is needed for this city. How many times was she mayor of Port Townsend? Again, give me a break! 

  And as far as our current mayor, David Faber, also a self-righteous and arrogant council member. His quotes in The Leader are always demonstrating this fact. David Faber is spoiled and smug. And yet again, give me a break!

  So what we citizens must do in this otherwise awesome city of Port Townsend, is REALLY BE AWARE of who we vote in to the city council. And stop voting in people who fit into the right 'click' (stet) or whatever superficial group they adhere to. This city has a real problem with the 'cliques' factor! People were telling me that before I moved here over 22 years ago. And it's true, unfortunately. 

  We need to get all more involved, in a REAL WAY. The city council majority being unopposed this year is pathetic, to say the least. Let's all fix this, so there is no more complaining while complicit.

Dwayne Nicol 

Port Townsend