Spread kindness and light

Posted 12/25/24


With the arrival of winter we now have a chance to begin to welcome more light each day and to widen our hearts to strangers and share our hearts with kindness.

I know that for me …

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Spread kindness and light



With the arrival of winter we now have a chance to begin to welcome more light each day and to widen our hearts to strangers and share our hearts with kindness.

I know that for me having faith in the power of music, art and the natural world there is an open door for being astonished at the simple beauty each of us holds when we take time to listen to one another’s story.

I make prayers that the many animals at the shelter will find loving and safe homes in the new year.There is always something good one can do for another person or a special dog or cat too!

To each of you who has given me hope this past year I say thank you for spreading your inner light.

May each new day bring us closer in understanding one another and accepting our differences. In our small community there is so many places that need more kindness and light. Blessings for a new year of health, creativity and joy!

Nan Toby Tyrrell

Port Townsend