Regenerative Communities - Care for the Earth, Care for the People, Care for the Future
Understanding permaculture ethics and how they can guide us to build healthier communities and ecosystems. Let's get back to our roots by reconnecting and tending our relationships with ourselves, each other and the planet.
Presented by Bear Bear (they/them).
Queer Disabled Regenerative Business Owner, dedicated to decolonizing and healing ecosystems we call home. Bear's Magic involves art, community healing, tending to the dead and the living. Currently attending a 2 year PINA Program called Earth Activist Training to receive their Advanced Permaculture Design certificate and Regenerative Land Management Diploma.
Food For Thought, a free series offered by Quimper Grange #720, will examine ‘’all things food” in our area.
Doors open at 6:15. All are welcome - the Grange has ADA access and an outstanding Merv-13 air filtration system. Visit for more information.