Not the same thing

Posted 12/25/24


In response to Sharon Bryan’s letter bemoaning the construction of a new hotel on Water Street, I would suggest that if she is not happy about the plans, she should pony up the …

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Not the same thing



In response to Sharon Bryan’s letter bemoaning the construction of a new hotel on Water Street, I would suggest that if she is not happy about the plans, she should pony up the money to build something more useful. The Sanderling building has been vacant for years, and is an eyesore at this point. A small hotel, presumably not part of a chain, is not in the same disruptive realm of a Rite-Aid or other large franchise. If it is nicer than some of the existing sketchy lodging we already have, that is a win for the town as well. Like it or not, Port Townsend needs an influx of visitors in order to survive, as most of us who own businesses can attest.

David Conklin

Port Townsend