Funaro for District 2


I now have hope in these changing times: Amanda Rae Funaro offers us a choice for Jefferson County Commissioner District 2. Amanda’s skills are exactly what we need for the challenges facing us, both in the near future impacted by the coronavirus and for rebuilding a balanced society. Through her work in the chamber of commerce, Amanda brought young business leaders together to amplify their voice. Her organizational skills revitalized Good Man, an essential business for a county lacking comprehensive sewer service. As government, business and family budgets are stressed, Amanda’s accounting skills will be vital for balancing priorities. Her passion for public service flows from a family long involved in social justice. Amanda co-facilitated Collective Impact, envisioning a sustainable, thriving community. Her heart’s compassion is rooted in deep personal growth. Amanda has been preparing all her life for this opportunity to serve.

Please join my confident endorsement of Amanda Rae Funaro for County Commissioner, District 2.

Kathleen Kler