Development planned along LST


This letter is to notify all Larry Scott Trail users that an upscale housing development is being planned for the north edge of the Discovery Bay Golf Club. The development will skirt the section of the Larry Scott Trail from South Discovery Road and parallel Douglas Way to Green Way. It will greatly impact bicyclists, joggers, walkers, runners and equestrians who enjoy the natural habitat currently afforded them.

A mere handful of residents immediately adjacent to this proposed development received notification. Because only this very small group was given official notice, I am concerned that the rest of the citizens of Port Townsend will be left without a chance to voice their concerns about the impact this plan will have on this lovely natural trail we are so lucky to have in our community.

We were given barely two weeks to respond to the SEPA plan - that unfortunately ends Feb. 5 at 4:30 p.m.

Please call or write to the Jefferson County Department of Community Development, Project Planner Joel Peterson (360-379-4450 or to notify them that you believe that due comment period should be extended to allow everyone opportunity to comment.

Thank you for your public concern to save the natural qualities of our trail.

Editor’s note: Available space prevented publishing this letter last week.

Rita Chavez
Port Townsend