2024: Is it over yet? | Life in Ludlow

By Ned Luce
Posted 1/8/25

I really hope we are at the end of it. I am tired of the misinformation and solutions to problems that do not exist. I am also frustrated by the lack of solutions to problems that actually do exist?

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2024: Is it over yet? | Life in Ludlow


I really hope we are at the end of it. I am tired of the misinformation and solutions to problems that do not exist. I am also frustrated by the lack of solutions to problems that actually do exist?

Friends, I think I may have the solution to my problems scheduled for later this month. The back surgery to relieve the pain in my back and leg is on! Be assured I know plenty of folks with more severe life-threatening problems but this one has affected my life the most.

Most of my and BJ’s 2024 year was spent steering around and through the discomfort seemingly caused by some increasing compression on the nerves in my lower back. Anybody close to us knows that the real strain was born by BJ as I comforted myself watching her prepare every meal for me and managing most of the rest of the work around the house. Talk about building some marital debt!

For most of our years together I have traditionally made my own breakfast and lunch. Given my condition, BJ really got in the habit of preparing those meals for me. May that be a habit she does not lose. There was an occasional respite like going to “Dine and Discover” and her being able to socialize with others in town. However, even then BJ prepared something to bring for the potluck dining portion of the event. Be that as it may, most of my meal preparation over the years seemed to include dialing the Ferino’s Pizzeria phone number. 

My injury issues seem to have begun in earnest in early August when I sat down hard on the side of my kayak. There was a real “ouch” on my lower back and/or Gluteus Maximus, left buttock. Some ripening of the injury led to some more pain and some physical therapy with Michael Haberpointner and the fun folks at Active Life. Finally, it was off to the neurosurgeon where I received a schedule for surgery in late September.

Uh oh, the second opinion yielded a hoped-for reprieve from actual surgery in favor of working out the IT Bands, (I know, you can look it up just like I did.) A part of that diagnosis involved a steroid injection in my thigh which, in my overly optimistic conclusion, did confirm that I could avoid the knife.

Mid-December arrived with a steroid injection in my lower back and a strong diagnosis by the professionals that I did need the surgery.

In addition, BJ had selected, purchased and wrapped all the Christmas presents for the family, including something nice for herself. (She probably deserved it.) After all, the pain I was enduring excluded me from participating in this year’s holiday. We are now discussing the sacrificing of our tree, an unfortunate victim of non-working Christmas lights. 

Oh yes, my back. My previously mentioned optimism has unfortunately caused some significant pain the past couple of weeks. A steroid injection in my back led to feeling pretty good so I decided to take BJ off to the Printery Christmas party. Upon exiting our car near the Quimper Mercantile, my knee buckled and I landed pretty hard on it. For my compensation I got a nice raspberry and some hardy infection. So now I am dealing with two injuries, one seemed to be getting better and the other is confusing me about what really is getting better.

A little more rest and BJ-prepared meals seemed to help generate an improving attitude. Great, I think I will head to the Printery and get some actual work done. A misadvised step upon the new curb generated another knee buckling and a nice fall. At least this one was in daylight but why couldn’t these falls happen on a surface softer than pavement? A couple of good Samaritans materialized next to me in the street as we jointly brought me to a standing position. They were so competent they were able to refuse help from another good Samaritan who stopped his car in the street and asked if we needed help.

In retrospect it may have been an offering of assistance from the fire department up the street.

Frankly my friends, I suspect my 2025 will be better than 2024 and I hope yours is, too — no matter how big or how many problems we face. I can confirm that BJ is looking forward to me fixing my own damn breakfast!

Love a curmudgeon and have a great year!