521 results total, viewing 21 - 40
I was recently saddened to hear that our community lost a true treasure. Cher Albright, who for some 40 years has lovingly watched over and taken care of Gibbs lake, has moved away. I did not … more
  I fear the days of a quiet library may be over. I recently went to Jefferson County Library looking for a quiet place to study. After all, isn’t the library a place of study and for … more
Something wonderful is taking form in Port Townsend: the city’s new Community Services Department. Under the guidance of its new director, current (and continuing) Port Townsend Library … more
As someone on the business side of running The Leader, it’s never occurred to me to write a column. Our recent decision to raise the price of the newspaper has given me … more
The number of articles on aging seems endless. The more I delve into aging info, the more Google thinks I need. My daily news feed is swamped with stuff on managing old. After a while it becomes … more
I’m writing to respond to comments in last week’s paper from Owen Rowe, the former board president of The Food Co-op. Rowe was a mainstay on our board of directors and he and I have … more
    As members of Native Connections Action Group and the číčmǝhán Trail Team, we worked with the Jamestown S’Klallam and Port Gamble S’Klallam tribes … more
  Thank you for the article about Peninsula Credit Union! I keep a small account there so that I have a local bank and I recently had just the best experience there before Christmas.  … more
  I am writing to express my strong support for keeping Camas Prairie Park open. This facility has provided immense value to our community, serving as a vital resource for recreation, … more
On Dec. 31, I resigned from work I loved, serving as board president of The Food Co-op in Port Townsend. The Co-op’s 7,500-plus member-owners elect a volunteer board to represent them in … more
  The articles on the Pulp Mill permit failed to include the most important issue in the draft permit: the requirement for the mill to develop a plan to improve the functioning of the … more
  Thank you so much to the organizers and sponsors of the Dec. 21 solstice event at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds; the Fair Board, Jefferson Healthcare, 7 Cedars and the local 4-H, thank … more
  I’ve been troubled by seeing so much negativity about the PT Co-op. I would like to thank everyone who works for or volunteers for the Co-op and I particularly want to thank the … more
  I have no issue with letters to the editor about my column. Some of them are, in their own ways, positively delicious.   But Stephen Schumacher’s letter (Jan. 1, 2025) presents … more
  Why does The Leader give a full column to a woman who pretends to speak for “the community” as she demands an apology from our Co-op for “issues” she fails to … more
  Regarding the article about local Cougars getting Bird Flu, by Scott D. This was an excellent article, brilliant writing. The author disappears while the topic and subject   … more
  Sorry to send this in the season of love and joy but I am outraged and want to express this: Why would a 16-year-old find pleasure in running over deer at night in our town? Who are … more
  In response to the cowards arrested for maiming and killing several deer recently, I can only wonder if there is anything more pathetic than deliberate animal cruelty. This is in the … more
  Just over a year ago I was driving back from Cumbria to Edinburgh. Just after leaving the M74, a Porsche SUV with LED headlights at the same height as my rear window approached from … more
  After nearly 30 years of recycling our glass bottles, we citizens of Jefferson County are now being directed to dump them in the trash? What craziness is this? Our used glass bottles are … more
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